DaiLy hiTs

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy 21st Birthday

 Here is some of us having 21st Birthday bash in 2010 year. Well 1st Jun Keet which we celebrate it in a gay bar which is virgin for all of us. Then my birthday @ the beach which totally cool because I never had though they will actually celebrate it @ beach before! Jen Hong's party is @ his own house and like whoa his house is damn big not to mention he had FERARRI too which makes me eye popping, jaw dropping when I knew it... :D 

Enjoy the pics below: (click it if you wanna enlarge the photo and right click to save it)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


This would be the end and also a new beginning of everything in LIFE!

Here is the thing, I'm actually quite worried and scare of what would my future would be, indeed I was actually have this kind of feeling before the last exam paper (MOS) even commence. Some of you might notice it that already and it really bugs the hell out of me! 

You see, sometimes it seems that life is all planned out. And when I say life it reflects career, life partner, family, and property. I keep telling myself that take everything as a chance so if it fails it doesn’t really matter.

And now my mum is pressuring me to get a boyfriend and fuck frankly speaking I don’t even see myself getting married in the future because I don’t even think I would be married in the first place. I know I’m being pessimist but I guess now is just a trend in this modern days. Now everyone seems to send out their resume to find a job already yet I’m still dilly dally. Maybe I was actually planning to help this businessman with his business but part of me eager to go for events industry such as music and wedding.

All these question running through my head and I can feel the pressure now, it is getting closer now…..xxA