DaiLy hiTs

Sunday, February 7, 2010

JeSsiCa's 21sT bDaY!

This is a pre 21st birthday for Jessica which had been planned for awhile and finally the time is here. When off to Jarrod & Rawlins @ Damansara Heights after my work which could be really exhausted and hell yes it is. Meiee picked me up from there and both of us find the way to there and the others also had arrived.

When we reached there is around 8.30pm which I set the dinner starts @ that moment. But we waited for hours until the clock 10.00pm only the PRINCESS only reached the destination and we had been starved to death. But on the bright side, we had lots of old things catch up with Jocelyn, Mei Ting, Lee Voon, Li Kin, Hazree, Esther & LuLu. We finished up a bowl of mushroom soup and eat up french fries to cure our hungry for the very moment.

There had been a blast @ the downfloor of the restaurant which lots of caucasian down there.... *wink
After the dinner, we went off to 2nd round which is Opera and just to chill out and ordered Graveyard & Flaming Lamborghini to the birthday girl to just get her drunk but she is just too good in drinking so we fail....

Been out till 3.30am something only all of us went back home and have a good night sleep.


Roses from Me & Meiee

I heard my colleague said Kilkenny is a good draught so I decided to give it a try. 
P/S: They gave us the wrong Pint 

Li Kin, Esther & Lee Voon 

Mei Ting 


Lamb + Awesome sausage 

Duck Salad 

Spaghetti (I forgot the name) :p 

XXX Roll


Finally the birthday girl had arrived

Before that, had a random shots.... :D 

Jessica's driver of the day - Jess Tama Chan 

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