DaiLy hiTs

Monday, October 27, 2008


I think I'm better off alone in this long trip because i'm sick and tired of your accuses and YEA congrats for the blame that you put on me.

Everything is done and still so many things are left unsaid. I'm not standing here just for you to fool around because in my life i still have lots of things to deal with.

LOVE ME or HATE ME that's for YOU to judge ~~~

STOP playing puzzle & messing with my head and you know what I'm trying to say. Yea, i do agreed my words are always COLD when something strikes me because I'm the type who will run away from the situation and after getting tired of it I will face it.

COME CLEAN is the time for NOW or else I'll be walking this path alone without you. All I know is I shall be fine and move on a NEW LIFE !!!


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