DaiLy hiTs

Monday, January 19, 2009

AnGel oF cHaiN

A tragedy for sure
Life could be a porcelain and fragile too
Catastrophe, Disease, Wars, Racist
Is that a life at the end of the planet called earth ? UTOPIA

The pain of a chain angel feels inside
Thou will never gonna get it
It hurt deep inside and all can the angel can do is to be still
Would thou lend a hand to carry her up and brighten the light for her ?

Angel angel, thou must be strong but it will break one day
Plenty of mistakes that the angel will made before it gets better
Could thou cry with her when she is in pain
All she can do is move on and fought for another daylights

Another night the angel waiting for someone to safeguard
Lord, could thou gives the poor miserable angel a guidance?
So that she can find the correct path with a guarantee
Out of the rut of shadow and get out of a broken life

Weight of the world that this angel needs to face
Young and long life to carry on with a great responsibility
Wide and awake from the scariness of the world
A never ending sleeps........


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